Georgie Auld Quintet

這張是在 2013.9.8 於 disk union 吉祥寺爵士館所敗入的黑膠,背景資料:
Georgie Auld (TenorSax)
Frank Rosolino (Trombone)
Lou Levy (Piano)
Max Bennett (Bass)
Tiny Kahn (Drums)
Recorded 1951

Side A
1 New Air Mail Special (Goodman, Christian, Munday) 2:58
2 What's New (Burke, Haggart) 2:27
3 Out of Nowhere (Heyman, Green) 3:04
4 Be My Love (Cahn, Brodsky) 2:32

Side B
1 Taps Miller (Basie, Sidney, Russell) 2:42
2 Autumn in New York (Duke) 2:28
3 Seh! Seh! 2:33
4 The Things We Did Last Summer (Cahn, Styne) 2:37
當初完完全全是看封面,才下手的老唱片,想不到錄音竟然這麼好,尤其是 George Auld 的 tenor sax 竟有如此高的傳真度,真空管錄音的飄香味,充滿著我的音響室,Lou Levy 的鋼琴快速指法在 B 面的 Taps Miller 曲中,展現無遺,這曲是非常有勁的曲子,相當 swing 快節奏,只能說 1951 年的這張錄音,真是一張不可多得的好錄音,雖然全部才短短約 21分鐘的長度。這張 Fresh Sound 有 CD 化,不知道效果如何?
Airmail Special 1951-1963

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