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這次敗家,敗入兩張片子,都屬這家 Poll Winners Records 的東東,目前聽起來的轉錄效果也不錯,可值得多加注意:
Founded in 1934, Down Beat magazine devoted its pages to jazz. It soon became one of the best and most infl uential jazz publications ever. Among its many features, new records were reviewed and rated by such authors as Ira Gitler, Ralph J. Gleason, Nat Hentoff and Leonard Feather, to name just a few.

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yellow submarine
兄於 2008/1/30 01:34 AM 發言
這批日本版10吋盤復刻 CD,雖然也來自也是 Storyville Records,不過這是美國爵士樂界重量級人物 GeorgeWein 50 年代所創,「 In 1950 he opened a jazz club called Storyville andestablished a record label by the same name(參考),與開版的丹麥 Storyville Records 乃完全不相干的兩家唱片公司。 很巧地這兩個 Storyville Records 在本地係由同一家公司代理,可能基於手心手背都是肉的道理,並未仔細地區分其出版年代之差異。

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美版 OJC 24bit Remasters Reissues PK 20bit K2 系列
Art Pepper - Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section
Sonny Rollins - Way Out West

Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section OJC 31992 02
Way Out West OJC 31993 02昨天剛拿到美版 OJC 24bit Remasters Reissues,回到家就迫不及待先拿出來 Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section 這張,與美版20bit k2 系列做比較,結果發現:

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看到 Concord 終於對這些名盤有動作了,原本以為 Concord 就要這樣兩光下去了,空有寶藏卻不懂得運用,美版的 24bit Remastering 目前對我已有相當大的興趣了,從上次美版 20bitK2系列的經驗,頭批這幾張,應該會先買 Art PepperMonk Sonny Rollins 這幾張來 PK 一下,330日發行,唯一有點令人感到小小的疙瘩,是左邊的小橘邊條,很醜。
Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section OJC 31992 02Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane OJC 31989 02Virtuoso OJC 31990 02Jazz At Oberlin OJC 31991 02
Way Out West OJC 31993 02
An extension of the popular Original Jazz Classics series (est. 1982), the new OJC Remasters releases reveal the sonic benefits of 24-bit remastering-a technology that didn't exist when these titles were originally issued on compact disc. The addition of newly-written liner notes further enhances the illuminating quality of the OJC Remasters reissues. "Each of the recordings in this series is an all-time jazz classic," says Nick Phillips, Vice President of Jazz and Catalog A&R at Concord Music Group and producer of the series. "With these reissues, we get a fresh look and a new perspective on these artists and some of their most important work-not only from the meticulous 24-bit remastering by Joe Tarantino, but also from the insights we glean from the new liner notes that have been written for each title in the series."

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昨天拆這張到貨一陣子的 Dusty Groove America CD
Lorez Alexandria : For Swingers Only

cover art

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 Kenny DorhamThe Flamboyan, Queens, New York, 1963
The Flamboyan, Queens, New York, 1963

Kenny Dorham and Joe Henderson recorded six albums for Blue Note between April 1963 and September 1964. This CD presents a previously unknown broadcast that predates the pair's Blue Note collaborations. In January 1963, the Dorham-Henderson quintet appeared at The Flamboyan. Located in Queens and named after the casino in Puerto Rico, the club was only open for about a year, but the music lives on

Philly Joe Jones' Dameronia :Look, Stop And Listen

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